January 2019

January 2019

Sponsor: Palo Alto

Speaker: Simon Conant

“Just Another Day on the Internet”

Simon Conant, Principal Researcher in the Unit 42 Threat Intelligence team, will discuss the current threat landscape. Simon will highlight several campaigns and review advances in malware, tactics, and cyber threats, that adversaries are using to breach modern enterprise networks.


“Simon is a Principal Researcher in Palo Alto Network’s Unit 42 threat research group. He draws upon a quarter-century of international experience in the fields of malware & infrastructure analysis, networking, and information security, including several years in the Microsoft Security Response Center. He was involved in founding Microsoft’s CSS Security & Internet Crime Investigation teams, and the International Botnet Task Force. A native of New Zealand, Simon is based out of Seattle.”


Lunch is $15 for non members.

Professional Credit: 1.5 CPE