January ISSA Chapter Meeting – 11:30-1:00–Cottonwood Grill

January ISSA Chapter Meeting – 11:30-1:00–Cottonwood Grill

Our next monthly meeting is just around the corner. Please check with the Boise ISSA website (www.boiseissa.org) for further updates regarding meetings, events, blog posts, etc. This month’s presentation is as always free for all to attend. Lunch is free for ISSA members and $10 for nonmembers.
Presentation Title:
Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR): Insights for Taking Action
With the addition of Verizon’s 2011 caseload and data contributed from a variety of organizations, the DBIR series now spans eight years, well over 2000 breaches, and greater than one billion compromised records. This year’s DBIR includes more incidents, derived from more contributors, and represents a broader and more diverse geographical scope. The number of compromised records across these incidents skyrocketed back up to 174 million after reaching an all-time low (or high, depending on your point of view) in last year’s report of four million. In fact, 2011 boasts the second-highest data loss total since Verizon started keeping track in 2004.
Please RSVP online:
Thursday, January 10th from 11:30 – 1:00
We look forward to seeing you and Happy New Year!