Boise ISSA

October 2017

Sponsor: McAfee Speaker: Pete Hebner Pete has over 23 years of expereience in the telecommunications, data communications and Security industry. He has been with McAfee/Intel since 2003 starting as a senior security engineer and moving into …

September 2017

Sponsor: ForeScout Speaker: Tony Velada Title: The Internet of Things is not Coming. It is here! Abstract: Discover What Your Peers Think about the State of IoT Security.The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly expanding the attack …

February 2017

February 2017 Sponsor: ASG Speaker: Jeff Hooper, Systems Engineer at Gemalto (formerly SafeNet) Topic: Digital Certificates and Key Management.  He will cover new laws requiring key management, give examples of specific breaches and how the solutions …

January 2017

Sponsor: Boise ISSA Moderator: Vince Skinner and Fuli Chavez Topic: Overcoming the difficulties of implementing effective protections Register Lunch is $15 for non members, cash or check only.

December 2016

December 2016 Sponsor: Boise ISSA Moderator: Vince Skinner, VP of Security, D.A. Davidson & Boise ISSA President  Topic: Round Table Discussion. Topics to include: malware protections, incident response, penetration testing, Senior Management Support, and other related …

November 2016

Sponsor: Tanium Topic: Know your environment better than your adversary Presenter: Jesse Harris, Director of Technical Account Management Summary:  Assumption of breach. We are existing in a world where the adversary is significantly better equipped than most …

October 2016

Sponsors: RSA & Datashield Topic: Exposing the Terracotta VPN – Anatomy of an Advanced Campaign Summary: In August 2015, RSA uncovered details of a massive malware-supported VPN network being used as a launch platform for …

January 2016 –

Topic: Continuous Monitoring to decrease your Mean-Time-To-Detect and Mean-Time-To-Respond Summary: In this presentation I will address why a prevention-centric approach is insufficient and how and why continuous (machine based analytics) monitoring is essential to decreasing an …