Supported by Imperva
Overview Hacktivism has increased dramatically in the past year and has become a priority for security organizations worldwide. Understanding hackers attack methods will help prepare your organization for an attack, should it ever be a target.
Speaker:Patti Sauder, Sr. Sales Engineering, will discuss options for better understanding how current attacks are assembled. Specifically, Patti will present:
- How social networks can be used to recruit members and promote hack campaigns.
- Specific cyber reconnaissance and attack methods used by today’s hackers.
- Key mitigation steps that organizations need to help protect against attacks.
- A live demonstration of attack tools and mitigation using Imperva’s Web Application Firewall
A raffle will be held at the end for an Amazon Fire tablet!!!
Location Monthly meetings are held from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM MST at the StoneHouse, unless otherwise stated: 665 Park Boulevard Boise, ID 83712 The StoneHouse is located at 665 Park Blvd., next to the Ram, near the intersection of Broadway Ave. and Park Blvd.